Next Steps

Create a WAMFT website account
WAMFT website login gives you access to member discounts, resources, and more.
Follow us on social media
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter to stay in the know of what is going on in our MFT community & engage with our community.
Chat with the membership chair
The WAMFT Membership Services Chair, Astrik Price, would love to chat to learn more about your needs from your professional organization, how you want to get involved, and answer any questions you might have.
Introduce yourself to our WAMFT community
We have a Washington Community Forum, where you can ask questions, look for referrals, and connect with other members. Introduce yourself to everyone!
Let WAMFT support you
WAMFT wants to find ways to support you in your career!
Check out a few of the ways here:
Apply to provide Continuing Education Units for your next training
Explore our website
The WAMFT website has many helpful resources to support you, wherever you are on your journey, as an MFT.
Check out a few of these pages:
Get involved!
Fill out this form to get connected and give back in a way that is meaningful to you!