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2024 Annual Conference

Exhibitor Space Sales

Purchase of In Person or Virtual Exhibitor Spaces for WAMFT's 2024 Annual Conference includes the following:

  • In Person: Standard Folding Table and 2 Chairs in the Exhibitor Hall which allows direct access for your organization with all in person attendees during the event!

  • Virtual: Whova App Exhibitor Space which interfaces with all conference attendees and provides direct two-way communication between all attendee types and your organization.

Exhibitor Space Sales DO NOT include tickets to 2024 Annual Conference or access to meals. Ticket purchase and pricing information for exhibitors will be provided in next step communication.

Consider Becoming a Sponsor! Are you looking to have a greater impact in the WAMFT community? Event Sponsorship may be for you! Check out this year's sponsorship (some levels include event tickets and exhibitor spaces) opportunities here:

Authorizing Party Information

Please complete this section for where and to whom the payment receipt should be sent.

Contact Information/Event Contact Person

Please complete this section with the information of the person responsible for contact with WAMFT and setting up the virtual and in person exhibitor spaces.

For Profit Therapy Aligned Businesses

Any entity that serves therapy businesses with their goods and services. Examples include Insurance Providers, Retirement Planners, Accountant Agencies, Legal Services, Insurance Paneling Providers and Electronic Health Records Systems (Simple Practice) etc.


Non-Profit Therapy Aligned Business

Any entity that serves therapy businesses with their goods and services operating with a nonprofit status with a 501***code. This does include but is not limited to 501(c)3 and 501(c)6 entities. Examples include professional associations, community agencies such as Providence or Group Health etc.


For Profit Therapy Business

Any entity providing mental health therapy services in a for profit capacity including Individual Private Practices and Group Practices, programs and product sales (books, trainings, podcasts, apps).  Examples include previous sponsors: Center for Solace and ReFresh Therapy.


Non-Profit Therapy Business

Any entity providing mental health therapy services operating with a 501*** non-profit code. This does include but is not limited to 501(c)3 and 501(c)6 entities including individual private practice, group practice, community agencies and programs or product sales (books, trainings, podcasts, apps).  Examples include: Lutheran Community Services, SeaMar, Vet Centers


For Profit Conference Collaborators

Any entity providing a service to the annual conference free of charge, “no strings attached”.  Examples include: Individuals donating their time to present on behalf of WAMFT


Thank you for joining us at the 2024 Annual Conference! All Sales of 2024 Exhibitor Spaces are final, no refunds once payment is completed. We look forward to seeing you in Tacoma and online in September!

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