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Building a Better Us: Community Conversations for Systems Thinkers


Networking events designed to share, learn and connect over conversations on challenging topics across Washington State; providing opportunities for inspiration, support, continued education and connection with our Washington MFT community.


Sex & Spirituality in Sessions

An in-depth discussion about how sex and spirituality show up in our work with clients.  We will explore what barriers might exist, how we as clinicians can expand our knowledge and skills in this area, and how we can integrate sex and spirituality into session.


Learning Objectives: 

  • Participants will gain understanding of client barriers to accessing therapy as a result of faith/spirituality/religious and/or sexual values.

  • Participants will know where to access resources for increasing the knowledge, skills and awareness of sex and spirituality as part of therapy.

  • Participants will have awareness of issues around sex and spirituality for minority groups in both topic areas (nonheterosexual or nonchristian).

  • Participants will learn methods of integrating sex and spirituality into session.


*Live event was held on June 25th, 2021

Complete Evaluation for CE

Resources shared during event:

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