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Building a Better Us: Community Conversations for Systems Thinkers


Networking events designed to share, learn and connect over conversations on challenging topics across Washington State; providing opportunities for inspiration, support, continued education and connection with our Washington MFT community.


Paying it Forward: Stepping up to Supervision

Discover if you have what is needed to step up and become an AAMFT supervisor supporting the next generation of MFT’s in Washington State.


Learning Objectives: 

  • Participants will gain understanding of the values/benefits AAMFT supervisors give to the MFT community and profession.

  • Participants will know where to access resources for AAMFT supervisor steps.

  • Participants will have awareness of the financial and time commitments required to become a supervisor.

  • Participants will learn some of the obstacles to becoming a supervisor and how other professionals achieved their AAMFT supervision certification.

  • Participants will gain access to support resources for becoming an AAMFT supervisor.


*Live event was held on March 26th, 2021

Complete Evaluation for CE

Resources shared during event:

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